We are storytellers

We know every story is unique and can help you tell your story in the most compelling and effective way.


One size does not fit all. You deserve a unique plan to meet your challenges.

Strategic Communications

We have a wealth of experience and knowledge working with clients to develop comprehensive plans to get their messages out.

Creative Advertising

Everyone has a unique story. From scripting to directing film shoots, to post-production work, we help you cut through the clutter.

Crisis Communication

A crisis can quickly overwhelm an organization. We work with your team to analyze the situation, develop options and create a plan to get you on offense.

Media Training

We’ve trained now-Senators for Meet the Press and corporate executives for major press conferences. We work closely with you to give you hands-on training on how to successfully engage the media.

Media Strategy

Where and how you tell your story can be just as important as the message itself. We know how to marry traditional and digital media to build effective media campaigns.

Start Telling Your Story

We are here to help. Let’s get together and figure out how we can get you to where you need to go.

Contact Us

About Us

Experience and knowhow to help you reach your objectives.

Dan Allen is a nationally recognized communications strategist, having served in senior leadership positions for two decades in Washington, D.C., building relationships with some of the nation’s top leaders in both the public and private sectors, and becoming a trusted advisor to clients.

His work on Capitol Hill, with top campaigns and Fortune 100 companies, and with physicians and hospital executives has helped him to develop a reputation as a highly effective and sought-after strategist. Dan works closely with clients in both the political and corporate worlds to develop and implement their communications plans – helping to establish goals and methodically reach objectives.

Prior to founding WestGate Strategies, Dan was a senior executive at top national media firms for more than 15 years.  Before that, he served as the Director of Communications for the Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives and on the Senior Staff at the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).  Serving as national spokesperson in each of those roles, he led media training programs, preparing candidates for appearances on Meet the Press with then-moderator Tim Russert. Additionally, he has provided media training to doctors both in the political world and private sector, and his crisis communication expertise has been called upon by executives for both long and short-term projects.

Dan earned his master’s degree in communications from the State University of New York at Albany and a bachelor’s in business with a minor in psychology from Mount Saint Mary College. He and his wife reside near Mount Vernon, Virginia with their two daughters and the family’s golden retriever.

Contact Us

WestGate Strategies
P.O. Box 51
Mount Vernon, Virginia 22121


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